"Pringles is a very laid-back company. Originally, they wanted to make tennis balls. But when the truck showed up full of potatoes, they just said, "Fuck it, cut 'em up." Mitch Hedberg

03 April 2012

Day 3: Untitled

I am the owl. Bring me dust, red dust
flash paper; gunpowder
in the silhouette of a woman,
shower me in paprika.

I am the awl. She just wants a hug, that's why
she's crying; she wants to reveal, one by one,
her punctuation tatoos; font: courier,
the sphinxlike question on her ribs.

I am the all. Unquarantined lymph system
intact, arrhythmia in the formula, appetites

I am the cowl. I pray using FedEx boxes;
I make poison out of camera film
and the organs of hyperpronated  pigeons.

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